Cameron's Story CSiSL Decalsby Daydreamer Decals

Cameron's Story is Saving Lives Decal


To help support the Cameron's Story is Saving Lives Child Passenger Safety Technician Sponsorship Fund, we are now offering Cameron's Story is Saving Lives decals. Each Decal is approximately 6" x 6" and costs just $5. The entire $5 is donated to the CSiSL CPST Sponsorship Fund. Shipping will be calculated at checkout based on the number of decals purchased and your location. Your first name and state will be posted on the youcaring fundraiser page in your honor with our next donation to the fundraiser. Please visit the fundraiser page by clicking the link below
CSiSL Fundraiser

About Cameron's Story


April 27th 2013 started out as a normal Saturday for us. I was at work while Rhett (my now ex boyfriend) had both my boys Cameron and Connor. He took them to the park and to visit with family. Around 7pm when I got off work I called Rhett to tell him I was on my way home. His phone went straight to voicemail. I figured it was just dead and drove home. When I go home I started to get worried becaus...e the car wasn't home and I had no idea where Rhett and the boys were. His phone still continually went to voicemail. I called everyone I knew and no one knew where they were. Finally I get a call from a man stating he was a police officer. He told that my children and boyfriend had been in an accident and I needed to hurry to the hospital. I instantly started to panic and drove straight there. When I arrived to our lady of the lake hospital in baton rouge there was a police officer waiting at the ER gates to escort me through the ER. That's when I realized that this can't be good. He sat me down in an empty ER room and told me the specialist will be in to speak with me. A lady came in and told me that my boyfriend had a severe brain Injury and needed surgery to fix it and that his leg was broke in five places and would also need surgery to correct that. She then told me that my oldest son Connor had a broke arm and was in shock still but he was expected to be fine. Then she left. I asked every one that walked by about my baby Cameron. They kept saying to wait a minute and they would send a doctor to come speak to me about Cameron. A few minutes later a lady walked in with blood her scrub top and this look that I will never forget. She told me that Cameron was just a couple doors down. They were trying to stabilize him but it doesn't look good. She told me that she wanted to be straight up with me and that my beautiful baby boy may not make it through the night. He was loosing a lot of blood and needed surgery ASAP. She told me that they needed to open him up and figure out where the blood was coming from. I was asked to sign a paper allowing them to do surgery. I must have dropped that pen ten times before I finished signing my name and they let me look at Cameron before taking him to the OR. She told me to prepare myself. That he didn't look good and that it may be the last time I see my child alive. I walked in that room where they were working on him. He was laying there still covered head to toe in blood. I could barely see his face and they kept a blanket over his head and wouldn't let me see it. I later found out why.

After collapsing in the ER waiting on my family to arrive and then seeing Connor I was walked to the OR where they were still working on Cameron. My family had gotten to the hospital by now and was waiting with me. Many tears were shed waiting to know if my baby was still alive. While we were waiting two police officers came to talk to me about the accident. They told me that the car had flipped many times and that Cameron was found on the side of the road unresponsive............ Then after back to back surgeries on Cam the surgeon pulled me and my family in the conference room. He told me that my son was still alive but he has a ton of injuries. He said that when Cameron hit the ground he must have landed on his head causing him to bite his tongue almost completely off. He had to suture it back on. After they opened him up they realized that he had broke some ribs that punctured a lung and his spleen. They had to remove his spleen and fix his lung that had collapsed. They had to put him on a life support machine (ventilator) and will have to continue any other surgeries the next day because Cameron's little body couldn't handle anymore. He was admitted into the PICU and Connor was admitted onto the children's floor.

The second day my oldest Connor had his arm fixed.... and right after that surgery Cameron had surgery #3 . His brain began swell. They had to put a monitor into his skull to measure the pressure.

The third day Cameron's swelling became to much. The pressure on his brain was extremely to high and he rushed back to emergency surgery #4. Brain surgery. They had to remove part of his skull to relive some pressure or he would die. This is the day when I was told just how bad Cameron's head injury was. The neurosurgeon sat me and my family down to speak to us about Cameron. He told us that Cameron's brain was completely bruised and covered in lacerations. To make a long story short he told me my son is will be a 'vegetable' for the rest of his life and will never come off of life support. He told me that Cameron will never get better and that he may actually get worse. I didn't think that was possible. How could it get any worse. My world had fallen to pieces in a matter of days and here this man is telling me that it may get worse. Lets just say that that day was almost worse than the first.

The fourth day Connor was released from the hospital and Cameron had surgery #5. They removed the monitor that was monitoring cams pressure on his brain because they had done all they could do and there was no reason to monitor it anymore.

Day after day I prayed for my child. Millions prayed for him. Family and friends. ..even strangers... came to pray over my child. That was the only hope we had. We needed a miracle. A few days after that I was told some devastating news. Cameron's brain injury was so severe that his body was not absorbing the nutrients they were giving him. I was told that Cameron was starving himself to death. There were two choices. Let him starve himself to death or take him off life support and bypass that pain and misery.

I didn't give up yet. I wanted a second opinion. Two specialists were flown in to look at Cameron. I was hoping and praying that they would have better news but they told me the same thing.

I had a decision to make. I knew what needed to be done but I couldn't bring myself to allow it. It wasn't until they let me hold Cam one day and I had felt his spine and hips and tailbone through his clothes that I realized I was being selfish. I couldn't let my son starve to death just so I can have a few more days with him. That was no way to go. He didn't deserve to suffer anymore. And that's when I made the choice I had to make.

May 13th 2013 half of my heart went to heaven. A day I will never forget. He passed away wearing a monkey outfit, with his favorite bible cd playing, in a room full of family and friends, while laying in my arms.

I was told by the crime scene investigator that Cameron was not buckled properly. Only the chest clip was fastened. Upon impact the chest clip broke causing Cameron to come out his seat and be ejected from the car. He told me that if Cameron would have been rear facing and buckled properly that he would still be here today.

This is why I, Holly Wagner (Cameron's Mom) am going to become a CPST in May 2014 and made this page. Cameron's story can save lives. I want his memory to live on forever. The next time you fasten your child or any child into a seat I want you to know that you have that child in that seat the right way and that you are always traveling safely. I don't want anybody to have to endure the pain and suffering that my child and my family have been through.

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